Pentacles, Power, and Purpose:

A 12-Month Shadow work Intensive through the Iron and Pearl Pentacles, the Tarot, and the Creative Process.

If you have yearned for an increased sense of purpose and impact, and would like the world to be a better place for your having been here, a round of Shadow work may be just what you need.

Can we live a life of meaning and purpose if we never take time to explore the deeper under-currents of what drives us? 

Self-awareness is essential to living an intentional life, yet we all too easily fall into patterns of mere existence, floating along on the surface of who we are without ever questioning our deeper motivations. This leads to lives dictated for us by others; we become who our parents, teachers, or religious leaders want us to be. Or we act out an unresolved wound from the past over and over again. We are all subject to the conditioning of our society, and if left unquestioned, this conditioning can leave us with a mechanized, lackluster life. 

Shadow Work - focused inquiry into our subconscious minds -  helps us to peel back the layers of our conditioning; to bring to light some of our unconscious patterns, evaluate whether they still serve us, and transform them into something useful. 

The Pentacles of the Anderson Feri Tradition are excellent tools for Shadow Work, and have been a core practice in modern magic for decades. They help us to orient ourselves to our world in a meaningful way. Analyzing our lives through the lens of the Feri Pentacles helps us to strengthen our relationship with the world, deepening our intuition, and increasing our effectiveness by resolving internal conflicts we may not have been aware of. 

In this year-long intensive, we will map the Tarot to the pentacles, and incorporate writing, art, singing, and ritual as a process of deep inquiry. This process of self-inquiry will help you understand the Shadow aspects of your nature; what makes you tick, what holds you back, and what you can do to shift your energetic tendencies so you can move through the world with more purpose, power, and impact.

Please note: We will not be bypassing the real challenges of the world in this class. Denial does not a powerful person make. Rather we will dig into them head on, and explore ways to rewrite the story.

Through this class, you will deepen your intuition, strengthen your resilience, and build a framework to help you make decisions in alignment with who you want to be. You will also develop a solid relationship with the Tarot, enough so that you can read professionally if you so desire. And you’ll make some powerful art that signifies meaningful breakthroughs in your life! 

What: Online Class exploring the subconscious through pentacle meditations, Tarot, and art.

When: Twice Monthly Saturdays 11am PST (with a couple of breaks), starting Nov. 9th, 2024 and ending Oct. 25th 2025.

Where: Zoom (I'll provide link in your registration download)

Why: Because rapidly changing times call for deep introspection and shadow work.

Would you like to get 6 emails with full details about the class, and an opportunity to register?


Meet your facilitator:


What you can expect from this intensive...


You'll be part of a community dedicated to deep magic, and lifting one another up every step of the way.


As you clear away stories that no longer serve you, and listen only to those that make your heart sing, your confidence in your inner guidance increases.


A finely tuned intuition, paired with a yearlong study of Tarot, will give you a solid foundation from which to read professionally if you so desire.


This year will be an alchemical process; through Tarot, art, and ritual you will redefine your life according to what inspires you. Your life becomes art.

Are we a good fit?

This class is for you if...

  • You want to make an impact in the world.
  • You are committed to the work of self-reflection. 
  • You enjoy lifting others up.
  • You listen to others so you can better understand them.
  • You respect others' experiences, though they may differ from your own. 
  • You take responsibility when told that your words or actions were hurtful.
  • You prefer a meaty conversation to “positivity at all costs".
  • You are enthusiastic about welcoming ALL genders, sexual orientations, and races to share this sacred space together.

    PLEASE NOTE: this is NOT an Anderson Feri class, and does NOT lead to Feri initiation. This is a creative magic class that uses a few Feri tools.


"Sharon is a delight to work with! She is fully present with her unique and playful spirit in all her projects, be it music, art, event production, or teaching. Don't pass up an opportunity work with her; you're bound to laugh, learn, and grow! "

- Gennevie Q Herbranson
Onsite Manager, Hexenfest

"The written materials were superb, the exercises, both meditational and artistic, were both powerful in and of themselves, and connected to the content of that period's lesson. The online sessions were well taught, the guided meditations worked, and the combination of Tarot, the Elements and the Pentacles, presented as a unity worked and was enlarging.

- Peter Tiferet

"Sharon is an amazing teacher! Her approach to teaching - incorporating art, music, intuition, and referencing other workings and practitioners - really resonated with me when I took her Elements of Magic class at the Raven's Wing. Highly recommended!"

- Jess Deerwolf, Artist and Teacher

"Sharon is a radiant, powerful, and vibrant tarot reader. Her friendly, down-to-earth demeanor helps clients feel relaxed and comfortable. She has a deep connection with spirit, which leads to beautiful, intuitive readings."

- Quetzal Kahlo
Manager, The Raven's Wing

"I took the Well of Song workshops with Sharon and they were fantastic! She is an amazing teacher and facilitator with a depth of knowledge that is truly wonderful. "

- Jenny Linthicum

"Sharon helped me find the clarity I needed to leave a soul-sucking job and work part time; a decision which has rewarded me well!

- Kelly Goodrich, Tarot client


What: Pentacles, Power, and Purpose

When: Nov 9th, 2024 @ 11am PST, and recurring Saturdays twice a month for 12 months.

Where: Zoom (Link provided at registration)

Why: Because we all function better when we are in alignment with our core truth!

Here's How It Will Work

  • Classes will be held twice monthly via Zoom, Saturdays at 11am PST, starting Nov. 9th. They will be 90-120 minutes long.
  • There will be a companion support group online, held on Discord instead of Facebook, to facilitate a more focused experience.
  • COST of the class is $595-$840 sliding scale for the entire year. (24 classes; that's $25 - $35 per class).
  • If there is enough local interest, we can explore having an in-person class as well. (Incurs additional cost).
  • If you are interested, join the email list to hear more. You'll get six emails about the class, with an option to register at the bottom of each one.

Want to learn more, and get an invitation to register?